Academic Support

Working collaboratively with other departments across campus, our office supports students in achieving their personal, academic, and professional goals. Students can engage with our office in a variety of ways.

We offer:

  • One-on-one meetings for academic coaching and personalized support
  • One-on-one meetings for accessible education and accommodation services
  • Workshops and resources on time management strategies, study techniques, and other tools for student success

Our office includes:

Amy Bibbens

Amy Bibbens

Associate Dean for Academic Resources and Student SuccessMake an appointment with Dean

Sharon Gerbode

Sharon Gerbode

Associate Dean for Academic AffairsAssociate Professor of

Elizabeth Connolly

Elizabeth Connolly

Assistant Dean for Academic AffairsVisiting Assistant Professor of

The academic deans, Dean Bibbens, Dean Gerbode, and Dean Connolly, can be contacted at

Make an appointment with Dean Bibbens here.

Make an appointment with Dean Gerbode here.

Make an appointment with Dean Connolly here.

Make an appointment with Laura Kotovsky, Academic Coach

The Student Disability Resource Center is an additional resource for students at The Claremont Colleges and we partner with them to provide test proctoring, accessible technology, workshops and events.